Friday, 17 February 2012

Week 4: February 6 to February 12, 2012

Development of Chassis and Wheel 

I already have a chassis complete with a pair of servo wheel. Unfortunately, this chassis is too big to navigate through the maze and the servo wheel did not fit with the shaft of the stepper motor. So, I have to do some modification on the chassis and the wheel. The original chassis is 160mm x 130mm. This chassis has to be cut into 90mm x 90mm to enable the micromouse to navigate through the maze without hitting the maze wall. Meanwhile for the wheel, I have to enlarge the opening to 5mm to fit the stepper motor shaft into the wheel. To do this I use a mini grinder and a calliper to grind and measure the opening.

Grinding process

The difference

Fitting the wheel into the motor shaft

Completed wheels
Mini grinder
The calliper


  1. power gila... buat keja pakai kain batik je.... SUPER MOM!!!!

  2. hahaha...uniform kat rumah...nasib baik tak pakai apron skali...
