Since Robomouse was not running very well yesterday, I decided to change and reposition the battery. So, now the 9V battery is connected to regulator to supply power to PIC and sensors as well as to the motor driver while the 7.2V rechargeable battery is connected to the motor. Robomouse start running but only can stand for a few minutes only. However, I can see the changes where the wheel spin quite smoothly compared to yesterday. Previously, the battery is located next to the motor, on top of the ball caster. The weight of the battery had pressing the ball caster and produce friction and this caused the wheel to stuck. Now, the battery is located on the platform next to the regulator board. But still the battery is sinking so fast. Robomouse has to withstand at least 10 - 15 minutes in the competition.
In order to inject higher current to drive the motor, I decided to construct another voltage regulator using LM 2575. According to the datasheet this IC can produce a 1A current. As usual, I build a test circuit on a breadboard before constructing it on a single hole board. In the evening, I went to Pasar Road to buy some components.
In order to inject higher current to drive the motor, I decided to construct another voltage regulator using LM 2575. According to the datasheet this IC can produce a 1A current. As usual, I build a test circuit on a breadboard before constructing it on a single hole board. In the evening, I went to Pasar Road to buy some components.
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